Take a Moment to Assess the Intended Location for Your Decorative Rocks
Before getting to the preparation part, take a moment to assess the area or areas where your landscaping rocks will go. Take a look at things like other features in the immediate area, drainage options, and how level the ground actually is. It’s a lot easier to change locations before you do any prep work. Whether you’re going to use assorted river rocks or snow white pebbles, your landscaping task will be much easier if you take the time to address this issue at the very beginning of the process.
Remove Weeds & Grass
Get started with the actual preparations for installing your landscaping rocks by removing grass and weeds from the ground. Make sure to pull any existing weeds out fully, roots and all. With any grass that may be on the ground, dig down far enough so your decorative rocks will be level with the surrounding surface.
Make Sure the Soil Is Firm & Supportive
If the soil immediately beneath the removed grass is too soft or loose to support your decorative rocks, dig down a bit further. Another option is to add a layer of new, higher-quality soil to the ground if digging down deeper will make your decorative rocks uneven with the adjacent surface.
Put Down a Lining or Underlayment
Landscape fabric can create an effective barrier against weed regrowth below your preferred decorative rocks. Look for fabric that still allows water to seep through to prevent drainage issues or pooled water. When applying the fabric, dig a 4–6-inch trench around where your river rock or black Mexican beach pebbles will rest. This allows the fabric to be firmly anchored before your decorative rocks are put into place.
Use a Rubber Strip to Help the Decorative Rocks Stay in Place
Landscaping rocks may shift out of place during heavy rains or severe storms. Minimize this issue as you prepare the ground for your decorative rocks with a rubber edging strip. This is a u-shaped garden accessory that’s typically installed in 6–8-inch intervals until you’ve completely outlined the area where your decorative rocks will rest.
Determine if You Need to Do Anything Else to Keep Your Decorative Rocks in Place
Ideally, your landscaping rocks should be resting on ground that’s fairly flat so you’re not fighting against gravity. However, you may have a small hill or similar uneven surface where you wish to put some decorative rocks. If this is the case, prepare the ground by allowing room for stakes or other accessories to secure your decorative rocks. You may need to consider wires or other options as well with ground that has a steeper decline.
No matter what kind of landscaping project you’re planning, decorative rocks, stones, and pebbles can give it additional depth, character, and beauty. Whether you’re looking for the finest Mexican beach pebble or gorgeous polished black river rock, reach out to the experts at RS&P Rock Stones & Pebbles, a premier landscape rock and supply superstore. To learn how we can help you create the landscape of your dreams, call us today at (866) 380-0580.