Fall Is Often Recommended
Fall is generally recommended for landscaping, since the weather is usually cooler but not so cold it’s impractical to do anything. The fall is also good for landscaping because you’ll have a chance to clean up from the summer growing season while establishing a basic layout and foundation for your landscape when spring comes around again. There’s also not as much of a rush to get new things planted in the fall. During this time of the year, it’s also a good time to:
• Clean out garden/flower beds
• Put down new mulch
• Do a proper watering to get the soil ready for spring
• Do some tree and shrub pruning, since you won’t be impairing new growth when you prune and trim in the fall
• Divide up your perennials so you’ll have more plants to work with in the spring
• Replant your perennials or decide which ones you want to get rid of or replace
Find Out More about Your Growing Season
Take some time to really learn more about the growing seasons in your area. For instance, states like California and other West Coast locations tend to have a prime growing season that starts in early May and runs through the summer and into early fall. On the East Coast, the primary growing season generally begins in late May or June and ends just as fall begins or a little later.
Once you understand your growing season better, you’ll be able to stagger your planting during different times of the year. In other words, you would put in plants that grow well earlier in the year in the spring and round things out with flowers, vegetables, or spices that grow better later in the year. You’ll ultimately be rewarded with nearly year-round color and beauty with your living landscape elements, which you can accent perfectly with decorative rocks such as snow-white pebbles.
Consider Putting Landscaping Stones in Place Later in the Year
Fall is also a great time to consider what you might want to do with landscaping stones. These popular hardscape elements can easily be put into place in the fall. When spring arrives, you’ll be able to get to the living landscape features you want to put in with your new stones.
Fall further gives you more time to really focus on what you want to do with landscaping stones in your yard. You can add beach pebbles and other varieties of decorative rocks, such as polished black river rock, to your yard at any time of the year, so you don’t have to hurry and make a decision. You can even use apps to experiment with decorative stones that have different colors and patterns. Plus, you’ll enjoy the aesthetic appeal of the stones, beach pebbles, or decorative rocks throughout the fall and winter months.
No matter when you’re planning to work on your landscape, you can enhance its character and beauty with a variety of decorative stones. For advice on designing your landscape with decorative rocks and beach pebbles, reach out to the experts at RS&P Rocks Stones & Pebbles, a premier landscape rock and supply superstore. We specialize in drought-tolerant landscaping materials, including a variety of Mexican beach pebble and river rocks. To learn how we can help you enhance the look of your landscape, call us today at (866) 380-0770.