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Mexican Beach Pebbles Pea Gravel
Category Landscape Rock
One of the more common purposes for landscaping stones is to create a walkway or garden pathway. Stones are also sometimes used for areas around pools to create pool decks. Regardless of where your decorative and functional stones will be located, it’s important to use ones that are easy to walk on, especially around pool areas. Below, we take a closer look at what types of stones tend to be easy to walk on.

Pea Gravel

Pea gravel is a popular choice for walkways. Made of pebbles that are rounded to make them smoother, pea gravel is easy to walk on for both people and pets. It’s good for bare feet, too. Pea gravel is available in an appealing assortment of natural colors, including shades of brown and gray.

Polished Pebbles

Due to the nature of how they’re made, polished pebbles are naturally smooth, which makes them ideal for walking on. Often coated in wax or similar materials to reduce dust, polished pebbles are also easy to care for, which is often appreciated when it comes to frequently used spots like walkways. What’s more, you’ll get an elegant appearance from the way the stones naturally reflect light and display an assortment of colors and shade variations. For example, with polished black pebbles, landscaping can be a truly creative endeavor.

Beach Pebbles

Also coated in wax and other materials, beach pebbles are equally soft and easy on the feet. These particular stones have a natural finish that makes them both attractive and practical for walking on. Beach pebbles for walkways can be purchased by color, or you can get a mix of hues, from snow-white pebbles to gorgeous green jade stones, if you prefer more variety.

River Rocks

You might think river rocks wouldn’t be all that smooth, since they’re gathered from various rivers, as the name implies. However, as the decorative rocks work their way downstream, they bump into each other and other obstacles. All this movement naturally wears down river rocks. Plus, they’re prepared in much the same way as beach and polished pebbles. By the time you get them, the stones will be smooth and ready to use for walkways.

Crushed Granite

Regular granite has sharp edges and other imperfections that make it unsuitable for walking on. However, this isn’t the case with crushed granite. In fact, when it’s installed and properly compacted, you’ll have a perfectly flat surface to walk on. On a side note, crushed granite is sorted by color, so you can choose colors that work best for your walkway and exterior landscape features.

The Importance of Proper Installation

It’s equally important that your preferred stones are installed properly to ensure they’re placed in a way that eliminates bumps and uneven spots. Correctly installed stones are also easier to walk on. Plus, you’ll be avoiding potential slip-and-fall hazards when stones are installed without gaps and other tripping dangers. Professional installation also increases the life span of your new stones.

No matter what type of landscaping project you’re planning, consider using decorative rocks, stones, or beach pebbles to add depth, character, and beauty to it. When you’re ready to get started on your landscaping plan, reach out to the experts at RS&P Rock Stones & Pebbles, a premier provider of polished black river rock, snow-white pebbles, and a wide variety of decorative stones. To learn how we can help you create the landscape of your dreams, call us today at (866) 380-0770.